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Basic Data Management Service

The RDMC Basic Data Management Service supports compliance with funding agency policies that require investigators and institutions to plan for data management and sharing and to demonstrate implementation of the plan. All sponsored projects that are classified under the Organized Research or Clinical Trials categories will receive the Basic Data Management Service, which must be included in their grant budgets AS A DIRECT COST.

  • UNC Dataverse project repository
    A designated repository in UNC Dataverse will be created to allow the project team to manage and share project data and/or create searchable catalog records for data that are access-restricted or deposited in other repositories.
  • Archival storage
    Projects are allotted 2TB of archival storage in UNC Dataverse for long-term data preservation; projects are guaranteed access to this data for a minimum of 10 years with security measures in place to monitor for and prevent system failure and file corruption or loss.
  • Welcome package
    A welcome package containing information about the designated project repository in UNC Dataverse, project-specific data management guidance, and other useful information will be delivered to the project team at the beginning of the award period.
  • UNC Dataverse orientation
    The project team can schedule a UNC Dataverse orientation session with RDMC data curation specialists for an introduction to the UNC Dataverse that includes walk-throughs of general data description, ingest, and sharing workflows.
  • Data stewardship consultation
    Each project year, the project team can request two consultation sessions with RDMC data stewards, who will answer questions and offer project-specific recommendations related to data management and sharing plan implementation.
  • RDMC office hours
    RDMC experts hold regularly scheduled office hours, during which project teams can ask questions and seek advice on data management and sharing plan implementation.
  • Project check-ins
    To further support compliance with data management and sharing policies and guidelines, the RDMC team performs regular check-ins of data management and sharing activities to review progress toward data management and sharing plan implementation.

If your project requires data management and sharing services beyond what is included with the RDMC Basic Data Management Service, RDMC also offers Add-On Data Management Services(e.g., data curation, large-scale data archiving, sensitive data repository support).

All sponsored projects that are classified under the Organized Research or Clinical Trials categories are required to include the Basic Data Management Service in their grant budgets AS A DIRECT COST according to the fee schedule below. Please refer to the Office of Sponsored Programs RDMC Basic Service Fee Guidance to learn more.

Annualized Total Budget (Direct + Indirect)Basic Data Management Service Fee
$75,000 or more$900 per year
$50,000 – $74,999$450 per year
less than $50,000fee waived

The text below describing RDMC Basic Data Management Service fee coverage may be used in the budget justification component of the proposal package.

The RDMC Basic Data Management Service Fee covers the cost of essential data management support for [brief description of data to be shared]. This service, which is provided by the UNC Research Data Management Core, ensures adherence to the funder/UNC-approved data management and sharing plan (DMSP). The service includes use of the UNC Dataverse data repository, which provides long-term preservation of and access to dataset files and associated research materials, along with searchable indexing and description of data products located in other repositories specified in the DMSP. To further support successful implementation of the DMSP, the service also includes at-award general guidance and consultation on data management and sharing standards and best practices that are specific to the project data types, as well as ongoing review, monitoring, and support of data management and sharing activities throughout the project period to confirm that project data are shared as required and uphold FAIR principles for findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable data.