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About UNC Dataverse

Managed and maintained by the Research Data Management Core, UNC Dataverse is a trusted, generalist data repository designed specifically for preserving and sharing research data and related materials. UNC Dataverse was deployed using the Dataverse application, an open-source repository software for archiving, sharing, and accessing research data developed by the Institute of Quantitative Social Science (IQSS) at Harvard University.

UNC faculty, students, and staff are encouraged to create their free accounts and begin sharing their data. For assistance in navigating the UNC Dataverse platform and learning more about its capabilities, please see the UNC Dataverse User Guide.

If you have questions, please contact us.

UNC Dataverse Features

UNC Dataverse is first and foremost a data repository dedicated to preserving and sharing research data in line with the FAIR Principles, ensuring that data are findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable. As of v5.9, UNC Dataverse features include:

Support for FAIR Data PrinciplesGuestbook tracking
Data citationsFixity checks
OAI-PMH (Harvesting)File download in R and TSV formats
APIsFaceted search
Persistent identifiers (DOIs)Branding and customization
Login via ShibbolethPrivate URLs
Restricted FilesNotifications
EmbargoMultiple exportable metadata standards
Custom terms of useUser management
Submit for review publishing workflowBackend storage on S3
File hierarchyFile previews
Data ExplorerUsage metrics

UNC Dataverse Limitations

Sensitive Data

UNC Dataverse is a public access data repository. Currently, it does not meet the requirements for sharing sensitive data containing protected health information and/or personally identifiable information. It is not HIPAA compliant. If your research will produce sensitive data that cannot be reasonably de-identified for public sharing, we may have solutions available for keeping these data secure and establishing a data request workflow through alternate means outside of UNC Dataverse.

Request a consultation to learn more.

Big Data (>2TB)

UNC Dataverse does have limitations on how much data a project can store. Each project in UNC Dataverse is permitted a total of 2TB of space for sharing data. If your research project will produce files totaling more than 2TB in size, you will need to request additional storage from the Research Data Management Core. An approved quote and Memorandum of Understanding will be required before services can be rendered.

Request a consultation to evaluate your data needs.  

User Policy

UNC Dataverse is available to UNC faculty, students, staff and affiliates to share and preserve their research data. Users affiliated with institutions that use Shibboleth single sign-on are permitted to create an account and contribute to pre-existing project dataverses within UNC Dataverse. Non-UNC users are not permitted to create new dataverses.  

If you have collaborators that are not affiliated with UNC or an institution that uses Shibboleth single sign-on, but need them to contribute to a project dataverse, you will need to sponsor their application for UNC affiliation. You can submit a UNC affiliation registration form on behalf of your collaborator. If approved, they will be given an ONYEN and can then login to UNC Dataverse.

UNC Dataverse Boilerplate Language for DMSPs

Please feel free to use the language below to describe UNC Dataverse and its features within your data management and sharing plan. Additional information may need to be provided depending on the funding agency’s requirements, so please review their data sharing mandates.

[Description of dataset(s)] will be deposited in the UNC Dataverse, a trustworthy, generalist data repository managed by the Research Data Management Core at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. UNC Dataverse provides persistent identifiers, robust standardized metadata, and is committed to long-term preservation and access of research data. Data are published under a CC0 license by default with customizable terms of use as needed. Additionally, UNC Dataverse is routinely backed up and preserved on multiple geographically distributed servers and is a member of Data-PASS, a community committed to the sustainability and access of research data.

Learn More About UNC Dataverse