Budgeting for Data Management
An increasing number of major funding agencies are requiring investigators to share the data derived from sponsored projects as a means to promote data re-use and advance scientific discovery. Sharing data for these purposes requires resources to implement data management standards and best practice, which helps to ensure that data made available to the scientific community are findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (i.e., FAIR).
Recognizing that there are costs associated with data management and sharing, funding agencies allow—and often expect—project budgets to include these costs.
Costs for data management and sharing can vary greatly depending on the type, scale, and scope of the data. At a minimum, investigators should budget for the cost of preparing data files for deposit in an established repository, long-term data file preservation and storage, and ongoing data management and sharing plan management to monitor policy compliance.
Agency guidance about budgeting for data management and sharing:
NIH: Budgeting for Data Management and Sharing
NIH Policy Supplement: Allowable Costs for Data Management and Sharing
Questions about Budget
If you have questions related to budgeting for data management and sharing (e.g., applicability of fees, billing, budget changes), please contact the Office of Sponsored Programs at OSPHelp@unc.edu. Their team will be able to assist you with budgeting inquiries.